At Rock Water Martial Arts and Fitness, the question Sensei is asked most often (especially from younger students) is “Sensei, when am I going to get my next belt?”
Testing happens when sensei feels you are ready for the next level. Sensei will let you know when you’re ready. Please do not ask to be tested, this is considered very impolite. Although you can always ask senior students if you have questions about testing, and what you need to do to get ready.
While you train diligently toward your next rank here are some important points to keep in mind. Your conduct in class is very important! It is likely the first thing Sensei considers when deciding if you are ready for the next level.
Sensei’s expectations of you will increase as your rank increases – train diligently. You need to have trained for the appropriate period of time. The hour guidelines will give you an idea for how long it will take but Sensei has the final say regarding when you’re ready.
Regular attendance should be a cornerstone of your training. Nothing can replace it as a key to success.You must consistently work to improve your techniques. Learning the form is only the beginning. Polishing your techniques is an on-going process.
Train in the right spirit. Don’t become too attached to reaching the next level. Train diligently with the principles of Aikido in mind and you will find yourself at the next level precisely when you are ready.
While the following list of frequently asked questions is meant to be somewhat humorous, they are ALL actual questions we’ve been asked by students. The point … Please be patient, enjoy the journey and don’t focus too much on the destination.
Q: Sensei, can I test today?
A: Please read the section above on testing
Q: Sensei, I know all the moves for my next test, when will you test me?
A: Please read the section above on testing
Q: Sensei, I have enough hours for my next test, why haven’t you tested me?
A: Please read the section above on testing
Q: Sensei, why have you tested others before me?
A: Please read the section above on testing
Q: Sensei, if I practice every class, will you test me at the end of the month?
A: Please read the section above on testing
Q: Sensei, my mom says I can’t go to the Taylor Swift concert unless I get my blue belt, will you test me tonight?
A: Please read the section above on testing
Q: Sensei, my son is ready for his next test, when will you test him?
A: Please read the section above on testing
Q: Sensei, I paid for my son’s purple belt test a month ago, why haven’t you tested him?
A: Please read the section above on testing